The Unlearn You Training

The thinking that has brought you to where you are is insufficient for where you are headed.

The times we live in are unprecedented — full of unprecedented uncertainty, confusion, and chaos.

Unprecedented times call for unprecedented action.

Now is the time to prepare yourself for a flourishing life, no matter what may come.

Come to The Unlearn You Training. This is an opportunity to explore and discover how to engage today’s world with love and power.

The first step to unprecedented learning is unprecedented unlearning.

This is your opportunity to embrace and create a new flourishing future.

What is The Unlearn You Training about?

  • Learn how to spot unconscious or subconscious ingrained habits that get in the way and change them…unlearn them.
  • Jesus said to love God, love our neighbors and love our enemies. How do you actually consistently live that? How do you love your enemies?
  • How do you shift your heart to eliminate contempt, hate, judgment, annoyance, irritation… for anyone, no matter how evil or foolish they are? Yet, at the same time, not ignore or excuse the things they do that are harmful or get under your skin?
  • How do you become a consistent stand for love, without becoming positioned about how others need to show up in order to receive your love?
  • How do you not get captured by a victim mindset even when so many are actually being victimized around you or you feel you have been or are being victimized?
  • How do you create peace and confidence regardless of what circumstances you engage?

Here’s what you’ll discover and engage in this training:

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the hidden strategies that hinder your results in life.

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what to do when these strategies get in the way.

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Try out
new strategies that you can use to move forward in life.

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shifting from limiting to empowering mindsets.

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Get clear
about what is next for you and how to bring it to pass.

Why does this training work when so many other personal- or spiritual-growth options don’t?

It’s experiential.
This training engages your head, heart, and body. It unlocks stuckness through integrated, embodied learning.

It’s highly interactive.
Transformation happens in highly interactive, group learning. Not by sitting through lectures.

It’s intensive.
This training is a challenging environment. No growth happens if you don’t challenge your status quo.

It’s effective.
This is custom designed to empower you to successfully engage today’s chaotic, confusing, anxious and divisive world.

You know the definition of insanity.

It is doing the same thing over and over, but expecting a different result.

Start flourishing and thriving in your life, family, work, and community. All four of these spheres are critical to living a fulfilled life. You can have all four working, even in today’s world!

The Unlearn You Training

A three-day event


per person.

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Uncover and redesign the hidden strategies that keep you stuck.

Engage powerful success strategies to create a flourishing life.

The Flourishing Network

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The Flourishing Network is a community learning opportunity focused on creating consistent growth, connection and flourishing for a lifetime.

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The Flourishing Network

Join a community of action

The Flourishing Network is a community learning opportunity focused on creating consistent growth, connection and flourishing for a lifetime.

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